Friday, February 20, 2015

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Mayor LePage on Baldacci Reducing Funding To Municipalities

Post shows video of Governor Lepage as Mayor Lepage rampaging Governor Baldacci for reducing funding to municipalities,which Governor Lepage now wants to eliminate entirely, supporting the theory which I hold to be true that the state of Maine, as now transformed into the Development Corporation of Maine seeks to eliminate local governing power in Maine and to remove the inhabitants of the state that pose obstacles to the corporations development ambitions.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: How the Maine Legislature Robbed the Department of Corrections to Fund Industry Partnerships

Governor LePage is deploring the Maine State Department of Corrections for unsound fiscal management due to a shortfall of $2500000.00 but in 2013 the state depleted the Department of Corrections budget of almost as much in order to fund the state's latests business investment program called Industry Partnerships. My comment pointing this out is once again scrubbed from the Bangor Daily News but not before I took this screen shot.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: 2013 Maine Municipalities Warned to Tighten their Belts as Seed Capital Tax Credit Expands Eightfold

This updated post connects the dots between what is categorized as "reductions in revenue" which means socialism for the bottom and tax payer funded capital for the top of Maine's economy with its ever shrinking middle class. It shows funds are extracted from normal state operations to finance work force training for teh state's corporate grid, which is unconstitutional pursuant to Article Iv Part Third Section 14 of the Maine Constitution. As the state concentrates more power and wealth in its own corporation, LePage is claiming necessity demands that he takes the rug of municipal revenue sharing out from under Maine's local governments.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: 2013 Maine Municipalities Warned to Tighten their Belts as Seed Capital Tax Credit Expands Eightfold

This Post is largely taken from a time line I created of Maine state statutory history. It shows how in 2013 Governor Lepage of Maine started warning municipalities that they would have to tighten their belts because he was choosing to get rid of municipal revenue sharing to cover a $200 million budget gap. The same year the legislature passed an eight-fold increase in the Seed Capital Tax Credit which refunds up to 60% of private investments. In addition the legislature passed a bill to advance corporations tax credit for workers not yet hired and another bill to "temporarily" increase the sales tax. Now it is 2015 and Lepage's budget proposes eliminating municipal revenue sharing and increasing the sales tax, because he tells us, he is going to eliminate the income tax.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Discussion of LePage Budget Rages On Amid a Flurry Of Comments Being Scrubbed From The Net

This post which started out as a short story about the censorship of the voice of the governed in Maine politics, has been expanded to include further information and discussion about the budget proposed by the Lepage administration

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Discussion of LePage Budget Rages On Amid a Flurry Of Comments Being Scrubbed From The Net

I wrote this blog about comments opposing the LePage budget being scrubbed from the internet. A few hours later I went to update it to find that my own blog post had been scrubbed from my own blog, but clearly not inadvertently through my own actions as the UPDATE function was still displaying. So I documented what was happening with screen shots and included them in my post about comments opposing Lepage's budget being scrubbed from the web- how post modern is that! Meanwhile it appears that my post no longer display on twitter using #mepolitcs and #maine. So much for free speech in the former state of Maine, which I contend has been transformed into the corporation of Maine through a series of statutory overwrites of the Maine State Constitution. So click and read while you can. If the link to the post says it does not exist try clicking on the HOME button- that seems to be more durable. And ask your self why my voice is so important to silence.