Friday, October 31, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Why Maine Should Say NO to Bonds!

Since around 1977, the Maine State legislature has established a deeply entrenched network of unconstitutional state corporations, which has transformed, in practice, Maine State to Maine State Inc, operating for the benefit of corporate profits and using all as instrumentalities of the state (corporation). Every election the legislature presents a full package of bonds for public approval which are used to finance the on-going operations of Maine State Inc. These bonds are presented with the usual glossy surface rhetoric of creating jobs but to understand their full purpose, one needs to look deeper at the statutes that have entrenched Maine State Inc over the Maine State Constitution as the governing authority of Maine. This posts provides a glimpse into what lies below the glossy surface and copacetic rhetoric used to market the bonds to the public and is based on five years of independent research into Maine economic development legislation. Maine Just Say NO to Bonds!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy

Candidate Anna Morkeski, of Newcastle, running for Maine State Representative is on the right track in making local governance over state dominance a campaign issue- but in terms of right to work, it needs to be factored in that the Pine Tree Zone tax credits make the state the hidden Union negotiator and the general taxpayer the payer of union dues whether the taxpayer benefits or not. In order to become a true Right TO Work state, Maine needs to repeal its Pine tree Zone tax incentives and deconstruct its unconstitutional corporate state.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Can a Write in Vote For The Late Governor Seldon Connor Effect A Paradigm Shift in Maine Politics?

Updated this post with new graphic stating: He may be DEAD- but he's also RIGHT! So He's DEAD RIGHT! Write-in the late Governor Seldon Connor in Maine's Governor's Race. See Connor's Speech here!

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Can a Write in Vote For The Late Governor Seldon Connor Effect A Paradigm Shift in Maine Politics?

In today's political dialogue in Maine, there is no discussion about the political philosophy of state corporatism which has been entrenched in this state through repeated constitutional violations by R's D's and I's alike. There is no political party representing the true constitution of Maine and the free enterprise system. What would happen if hundreds of people wrote in long dead Governor Seldon Connor in the Maine Governor's race? Governor Connor gave an impassioned speech on the passage of Article IV Part Third Section 14, prohibiting the legislature from chartering corporations for state purposes and so writing in Governor Seldon Connor's name sends a specific message. Is it possible to gather enough support for late Governor Seldon Connor to leverage a political paradigm shift? read on...

Monday, October 27, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Socialism-Communism VS The Maine State Constitution

Sorry this is the DIRECT link to this post: This blog post includes a video by Julie Ranson explaining the difference between socialism and communism and is followed by out takes from A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation beginning with teh innaugural address of Governor Seldon Connor on the passage of Article IV, Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State Constitution providing for Separation of Corporation & State and then moving to 1977 with quotes from legislation chartering various corporations serving as instrumentalities of the state and based on a newly deemed government function of centrally managing Maine's economy

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy

This blog post includes a video by Julie Ranson explaining the difference between socialism and communism and is followed by out takes from A Maine Citizen's Journey Through The Statutes of Transformation beginning with teh innaugural address of Governor Seldon Connor on the passage of Article IV, Part Third Section 14 of the Maine State Constitution providing for Separation of Corporation & State and then moving to 1977 with quotes from legislation chartering various corporations serving as instrumentalities of the state and based on a newly deemed government function of centrally managing Maine's economy

Saturday, October 25, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: The Missing Most of the Economy!

The Missing Most of the Economy-40 plus years of economic central management in Maine by a corporation pretending to be a state benefits the few at the expense of the whole.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries

Does A conscious Business make Since- video by John Mackey, Founder of Whole Foods and the Conscious Capitalism Movement and inspiration for the Great American Ceramic Artists Designer Craftsmen Network- only a vision now but moving towards reality as the evolution of Andersen studio- Andersen Design ceramic wild life sculptures and functional forms , made in the USA since 1952.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Lepage and TheTotalitarian State

In 2013 The Maine legislature passed a bill called Industry Partnerships, which created a new government function granting the state wide spread authority to manage relationships between businesses and people in the private sector. Now Governor Lepage is talking about taking care of student debt by selling it to companies who will hire the students and also get a tax credit- which in Maine likely means a cash payout from taxpayers. This raises many questions which are enumerated in this post.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries: Darma Art and Other Rambing Thoughts on How and Why to Craft a Successful Crowdfunder

Andersen Studio-Design is a small independent private sector American Ceramic design and slip-casting enterprise, in existence since 1952. We need to raise capital in order to preserve our business in a way that can be carried on by future generations of ceramic designers and crafters . However, being so independent has its drawbacks- we don't have an easily accessed network of support needed to pull off a successful crowd funder. I see the most likely avenue of support as coming from the Conscious Capitalism movement started by John Mackey who founded Whole Foods, but how does one get the attention of a Mr Mackey and/or other other influencer willing to lend their name in support of our project? I suppose one can start by spreading the word- which is what I am doing now in this rambling and philosophical post about where Andersen Studio finds itself in today's world and how a company like Andersen Studio can make this world a better place in ways not usually considered in contempora

Sunday, October 12, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Introducing Mikkel Clair Nissen

I accidentally deleted this post. I recreated it but the link is now different and so I am posting it again with new link Mikkel Clair Nissen is a Danish psychologist who has written a book exposing the the life and general psychology of Danish people under socialism. He is so much on the same page as I am on in my blog and he is a passionate spokesperson and an eloquent writer. Perhaps if Americans and Mainer's hear the message from a European living in a deeply entrenched socialists system, the message will be more powerfully conveyed. In this post I show some of teh correlation between what Mr Nissen discusses and what is taking place in Maine as the government has been incrementally transformed from a state to a corporation

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Introducing Mikkel Clair Nissen

Mikkel Clair Nissen is a Danish psychologist who has written a book exposing the the life and general psychology of Danish people under socialism. He is so much on the same page as I am on in my blog and he is a passionate spokesperson and an eloquent writer. Perhaps if Americans and Mainer's hear the message from a European living in a deeply entrenched socialists system, the message will be more powerfully conveyed. In this post I show some of teh correlation between what Mr Nissen discusses and what is taking place in Maine as the government has been incrementally transformed from a state to a corporation

Thursday, October 09, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy

The final installment of my encounter with the overlords of Maine's economy in the 2009 Juice Conference in which the winner of the competition is unveiled ! Don't miss it!

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: High Brow Art VS the Marketplace and the Maine Juice Conference

I set out to tell my story of encounter with the overlords of Maine at the 2009 Juice conference, but writers block takes me off in other directions including more about the National Endowments for the Arts, Marxism vs free enterprise system and more.