Friday, October 04, 2013

The Second Generational Blues

Andersen Studio ran a crowd funding project this year , in which my targeted audience was our own collectors base and the local community.  The results of that approach were unsuccessful , but we are working on another more streamlined approach involving producing a single item- or perhaps a complimentary pair of items to kickstart our first commercially produced  table top collection, still to be made in the USA, which has always been our intention- but there are no viable production facilities emerging in Maine. The closest is in Pennsylvania and after that California.

I began promoting the idea of A Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network around 2007. About that same time in Oregon, Bret Binford started making ceramic molds in his basement. Soon Mr Binford started receiving requests for slip casting and so he set up to do ceramic production in addition to mold making. Seven years later MudShark Studios has just moved into a 17000 sq foot space and Mr Binford's business is booming, so much so that he does not appear to have time for our project. That is understandable because Mt Binford is working with a list of clients far better capitalized than Andersen Studio. Currently Andersen Studio is the underdog- a ceramic studio existing since 1952, with a large and layered line of marketable designs but an entirerly inadequate production space and staff. We have a larger and more diversified line of designs than most but about every other ceramic company has a better production studio and a larger staff than Andersen Studio.

However Mr Binford 's company Mud Shark Studio's stands as a successful model of what I have envisioned as one type of element in The Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network , a concept that I attempted to communicate in my last KickStarter project.

My vision entails many different productions of many different sizes and types, which is the idea that emerged as I was working in our own slip casting shop and thinking about the best way to reproduce a line such as our own that is complex and varied with a potential to produce successful commercial table top items, one of a kind art work, limited editions, sculpture and functional forms. Mr Binford's operation, which is called MudShark Studio's seems ideal for a commercial line but some of our hand decorated techniques may be a better fit with a smaller more intimate production than MudShark studios appears to be producing, from my initial impression.

Fortunately I have recently discovered two other ceramic mold-making and production resources, one in Pennsylvania and the other in California, both of whom have expressed an interest in working on our project. It seems to me that there should be such a production facility on the East Coast and that Andersen Studio is an invaluable resource in getting such a production going being that we could supply a great deal of business to such a production, being that our marketing and name brand are still strong, but held back by our tiny production facility and staff. To my perspective there is not much support in the state of Maine for our project.

Tufted Titmouse in the works, sculpted by Susan Mackenzie Andersen
It may be surprising to popular conceptions about what it means to grow up in a farm-like home with a ceramic production studio attached, but in growing up (and since), we never had a working space of our own. The production studio attached to our house was used by the employees and so one always felt like one was interfering in someone else's space if one used it. Mum and Dad always told us that they designed their sculpture on the kitchen table but when I tried that years ago, after returning from my sojourn of living in NYC, everyone complained and so I dropped the project in order to avoid conflicts. I then started my Tufted Titmouse in my own quarters, wherein the only time I was ever there was in the evening. I preferred the kitchen table because of it's central location. I would catch the sculpture out of the corner of my eye when walking by, doing other tasks, and feel inspired to make a change, which only takes a moment !.A sculpture in the works, located in the midst of my daily activities, which usually were taking scheduling precedence, invited a subliminal creative activity to occur, which has a special mysterious character of its own.

Years later, after my mother passed away and my father suffered a brain injury, I went back to working on the kitchen table, this time with no objections, in fact this time having it welcomed that I was working on a new piece - the same Tufted Titmouse, which my sister, Christine, who does our mold work, had surprised me by finally (years later) creating a wax model of my original sculpture done in Plasticine. Wax has a stronger internal structure than plasticine and allows  one to develop and retain the sculptural  details to a greater degree.

The wax phase of the tufted titmouse was finished months ago and Christine promised I would have the first original plaster mould by the beginning of June so that I could develop the decoration and have the Tufted Titmouse ready for production by August, a promise I took with a grain of salt. My sister has since gone on her "infrequently around" mode, which she is periodically known  to do. She has suggested that I learn mold making and make the mold myself, but with my sister, Elise and myself being the primary caretakers  of our 91 year old father, Weston, it is not easy to have time spent in the basement where one has to be to work on mold making- the less so in the summer months, when being in the basement can cause one to miss customers walking in the door of our retail shop.

Ninety One year old Weston sitting in the sun light at the famous kitchen table while I take pictures of our
Bob White Quail

A few weeks ago a very pleasant individual dropped by to pick up a contribution from us for a fundraiser for the town to be featured in a television show about travel. The town must raise $55,000 and has already raised over $41000.00 so far with huge local support. Amazingly, they have even formed a non-profit organization, which must have been approved in record time compared to how long it takes for a conservative organization to be approved by the IRS these days, or for that matter by any standard.

A local artist made a video to promote the fundraising project as a  KickStarter project, and much to the surprise of many, KickStarter rejected the project !

I was surprised neither by Kickstarter's rejection of the project nor the  public mis-understanding of what KickStarter is. The nonprofit organization is raising money for a marketing project for the Boothbay Region. In other words the group is raising money to purchase a creative project. For a KickStarter project, the entity running the project should be the film production company and the film itself should be one of the rewards offered. The organization should be contributing to the filmaker's project, because the filmaker's are the creative business, KickStarter is for creative businesses - structured either as a private enterprises or a non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization  in this case is not creating the film, it is purchasing a marketing service.

This photo was likely taken from our porch outside our kitchen window, a view that we cherish. At age 91, Weston spends many hours sitting on the porch taking in the beautiful view.
Kickstarter rewards, when a private entity is involved, are akin to purchases. At the time we did our first KickStarter project, I believe there was a much greater degree of popular misconception about what a crowd funding project is. I received a volunteer opinion on our FaceBook Page that we should not be doing a KickStarter Project because it was "asking for money for free". When I pointed out to the opinionated poster that we were offering our own products as a reward at fair market value, she would hear none of it! The fact that we offered something in return for a contribution was irrelevant- we were asking for money for free and that should be condemned! Apparently our products were being offered for free as well, which they have been over the years to a plethora of local nonprofits looking for donations for their fundraisers- including the non-profit organization raising money for a marketing film for Boothbay Harbor.

The other week the pleasant fundraising woman  returned. I took the occasion to ask her how one goes about getting evangelists to promote one's project, mentioning that we wanted to run another KickStarter project. She misinterpreted what I was asking and said "We can't do KickStarter" - meaning the marketing film fundraiser project. I said- No We can ! and to my  impression, she seemed a bit taken back by that idea. She then proceeded to question me, rather than to answer my question. She asked me if I could do a drawing of my idea. Assuming she meant my idea for a new product, I said "Absolutely not- a new product development is a process , the idea emerges from the process. Even if I could draw my original concept, the finished work would never resemble what I originally conceived. The process always evolves from the original idea into something of its own." ( not in those exact words- but that's the gist of what I said)

She then stated that we had inherited the business from our parents in a manner that came across to me as implying that our generation are not creative participants in our family business- all the credit belongs to our parents, or so her spontaneous reaction came across to my ears. I understand that she was trying to make a compliment when she went into rhapsody about the advertisement run decades ago in national magazines portraying our seagull on a reflective surface- once again coming across as praise of past glory, attributable to our parents generation and not to our own,. It is granted that our generations of a family business have made some serious management mistakes, beginning with how our parents handled the transference of the Portland production when they no longer wanted to be burdened with traveling so far to Portland , Maine. I was still living in NYC at the time.

The fundraising woman then went into rhapsody about that Portland space, and I said  it was too bad that Dad decided to move to Portland after the historical community battle in which the side opposing the building of a production space, won the debate over those that supported our desire to construct on the pond side property that we then owned. Granted, it is a beautiful view, one that we see every day outside our kitchen window and my father did not intend to change it. The building was designed to be built into the slope so that it would not obstruct the view. My father had a vision of locating the retail production space in the environs of a park, which is the height of destination shipping.  I understand my father's emotional reaction to the opposition he received from the community and why he then decided to create a new production elsewhere, but it is a decision that has impacted us ever since. And so I said to the pleasant fundraising woman, that if Dad had decided to find a local location, instead of in Portland, we would probably still retain the production facility.

I never did get an answer to my question about how one finds evangelists to help promote a project. I felt that I was being interrogated, instructed and informed that we do not qualify.  I was told the film project didn't cost  much money to promote. Elise insists that all the evangelists for the non-profit organization are not paid to promote the project but I don't know how Elise knows that. Non-profit organizations are permitted to hire people. The pleasant woman never directly answered that question.

The fundraising woman came across so emphatically as implying that our generation were not creative actors in our own business that I brought out my Tufted Titmouse sculpture, to which she showed no reaction what so ever. She told me of an artist she knew that was making his own mold. In frustration I said that I suppose we should sell or otherwise dispose of what our parents started so we can have time to be our own artists- but in fact, the point that she could not see, is that the best thing to do is to insure that what our parents started is passed on and in tact by either establishing an appropriatly capitalized production and organization locally or by out sourcing production , preferably to one of the few American ceramic productions in existence. Then we can have the time , energy and financial resources to retire from running Andersen Studio ourselves and become ceramic designers with our own dedicated ceramic studios. This not only benefits us but the larger community and American made manufacturing as well. As a philosopher, since an early age, when I went out into the field and contemplated the world in terms of increasingly larger circles, starting with myself and my family, and ending with a world that had just created an atomic bomb, this is the only ethical way I can look at my own role in the world. We didn't just inherit an opportunity, we inherited a responsibility, which has to come first.

We were also told that there had to be ONE person with a vision- which one of us will it be? That was, in my opinion, a very politically insane statement to be making in front of two sisters running a mutual buisiness concern.

Many in our local community were impressed by Andersen Studio having a facility in Portland, which ultimately was non-sustainable, and also impressed by our advertisement in a national publication. I have heard hints that our generation are privileged off spring who merely inherited the business, and make no significant contribution in our own right. Perhaps it is taken for granted that our website emerged out of thin air, or maybe that our privileged generation has the financial resources to hire a professional website designer, copy writer and photographer, which would quite frankly be a considerable sum of money to create the portfolio style website , which I have single handedly created in a process that has been evolving since 1998. I taught myself html, xml, css, and other web oriented skills, I wrote all the copy and I took all of the photographs. It is ironic that the same world view which does not understand why a marketing project does not qualify for KickStarter, is impressed by hiring a professional photographer to take a photograph to be used in an advertisement in a national magazine, but no credit is due to the creative process of doing it all yourself. Money talks
Not to take all credit, of course, but rather talking from my own experience. Elise has also spent many devoted years keeping this business going, and  our generation has contributed designs the the Andersen Studio line.
Perhaps revealing the hidden story behind the myth is controversial, but I believe that truth is ultimately the most effective way to get to where ever one goes. These thoughts have been spinning around my head for the last couple of weeks until today when I decided to release them in my own version of a country song -The Second Generational Blues.

Also posted as an update on our Kickstarter Project blog, which I keep going in between projects. If you like this blog post, please like it on KickStarter HERE

Saturday, July 27, 2013

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Communism and State Ownership of Intellectual Property

Communist have long promised that they would take over the USA from with in- and so it has in the state of Maine where the legislature rose above the will of the people as expressed in the State Constitution over forty years ago to create a deeply entrenched corporate state. The elite of the elite "targeted sector" unconstitutional corporations is The Maine Technology Institute - a "non-profit" corporation that lays claim to ownership of intellectual property as a function of its "chariable" activities- in addition to redistributing teh people's wealth to private corporation where in manufacturing in global low wage labor markets is a plus for getting cash transfusions from this charitable and unconstitutional corporation. Also claiming ownership of intellectual property is the New England Foundation of the Arts, supported by a consortium of state art bureaucracies. NEFA uses its function of wealth redistribution to lure artists into signing ownership and writes of all submitted mater

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy

The American free Market System is being transformed from within state incubators into a state capitalism system. The New Marxism is the same as the old but clothed in fancy new language,

Friday, July 12, 2013

Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries

Andersen Studio has a new and simpler idea for a KickStarter project which integrates beautifully with our vision for A great American ceramic Designer craftsmen Netowrk but we need marketing consultant wizards on our team who specialize in promoting crowd funding projects.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Free China

Beautiful Music for a very important cause. Free China a people's movement important to the free world every where where ever it is.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Andersen Studio Evolution Diaries

Definition of Taylor Swifting 1 a : fearlessly using one's life experiences in a song, a blog, or whatever.... b :individualism c : a point of view or tenet put forth as in a personalized narrative Farenheit 2013- a contemporary version of Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury in which censorship takes the form of limiting the length of a thought process to fit in the space between a twitter and an elevator pitch

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy

Prnewswire reported that TideSmart Global received stimulus funding to finance its large new business campus in Falmouth,Maine,with a groundbreaking ceremony honoring President Obama and Governor Baldacci but there are no records for vendor Tide Smart Global in the state of Maine records and no mention of TideSmart Global on recovery.Org. There is no coverage of the event on record in the Maine media.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: The Chained Consumer Price Index

I am posting this link again since is generally going unnoticed.You may have heard of a global plan, to which some credit President Obama as being a true believer, that the United States should have it's standard of living lowered to make the global distribution of wealth fairer The way I am reading it, being a mere layman, is that the substitute of the Consumer Price Index for the Chained Consumer Price Index, by governments in the United States, is being billed as a more accurate way of measuring the cost of living. However the Consumer Price Index, as I understand it, measured not the cost of living, but the cost of goods and services. The Chained Consumer Price Index measures the cos t of living, factoring in a general downward shift in the STANDARD of living as consumers adjust to a rising cost of goods reflected in the shrinking dollar caused by inflation, caused by worthless money being dumped on our system. The Chained Consumer Price index no longer measures the cost of

Monday, June 17, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

SALEl Days during Sail Days at Andersen Studio Windjammer Days in Boothbay Harbor Maine is a festive Time. Take a trip down the road to East Boothbay and Ocean Point to stop by Andersen Studio and get a special 25% discount- OR use our coupon code online!

Preserving The American Political Philosophy

The Chained Consumer Price Index allows the government to show a decline in the rate of escalation of the cost of living based on consumer efforts to stretch the shrinking purchasing power of the dollar without the government changing its spending habits one iota.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy

The Maine Department of Economic And Community Development throws a bone to teh micro-economy but it lands in non-profit Territory. This taxpayer funded bureaucracy excludes the entire retail sector from benefits ( redistributed wealth) and services that it provides and in so doing excludes a major chunk of Main Street.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Globalization and The Maine Department of Economic And Community Development

How The Maine Department of Economic and Community Development encourages globalism through the Foreign Trade Zone and discourages Main Street and the micro economy through taxation without representation - literally stating that the retail sector is to be excluded from the benefits distributed, including capital and services, from this tax payer funded bureaucracy.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy

Maine State economic development rhetoric claims that the state is creating manufacturing jobs in Maine but a close examination of the statute for the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development reveals a system that is designed to benefit the high growth investor who manufactures in global low wage labor markets. Through the federally sponsored Foreign Trade Zone a product can be manufactured in China and assembles in the USA in a customs free zone and some of those products will then be promoted as a "made in the USA Product.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

Why KickStarter is both a revolutionary and evolutionary economic innovation . Mold making Update. New Tufted Titmouse Sculpture in the Works. Sign up for recurring great sales at

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Preserving The American Political Philosophy: On Being An Anomaly In The Age of The Creative Economy

"Think Globally- Act Locally" This is the story of Andersen Studio, a small American ceramic design and production enterprise which would like to remain a made in America product and to create The Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network- told in the context of globalization and the state of Maine where the government is managing the economy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

Weston Neil Andersen, father of Andersen Ceramics is a remarkable human being at 91 years old

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

Andersen Studio's KickStarter Project's Plan B for transforming what we have built into the Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network

Monday, March 18, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

Maine Gubernatorial hopeful Steve Woods recently suggested that 108 town that have been insolvent for 10 years should have their populations relocated to urban centers which have been the beneficiaries of the state's economic development corporations function of redistributing taxpayer dollars , creating a "tax payer subsidized economy, highly concentrated in those same urban centers. There are other solutions and Andersen Studio has one.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

The Andersen Studio KickStarter Project is now launched. Our project goal is to recreate the mold for our Great White Heron which will be Andersen Studio’s first documented Limited Edition Sculpture and one of the few documented Limited Edition Sculptures by founder Weston Neil Andersen. We have many great rewards from collectible ephemera to collectable ceramics and of course the Great White Heron. The project goal represents the amount we must raise to retain any of the funds raised but we are hoping to also raise funds towards capitalizing a new production and order fulfillment center, and a much larger organization necessary to meet the marketing potential of our extensive line of classic designs which have retained their popularity since Andersen Studio was established in the 1950’s. The production and order fulfillment facility is the first phase in transforming our family run business to The Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network, through which we would like trans

Friday, March 08, 2013

Andersen Studio Kickstarter Diaries

This is the animated video I created for our KickStarter project- with music. Our project is to recreate the Great White Heron Mold and to produce the Heron as Andersen Studio's first Limited Edition- also to retool our Sea Urchin Bowl Mold and to recreate Brenda's Curled Cat with its original eyes. The Project Goal of $5000.00 is the amount that we have to reach in order to retain all the funds raised, after which we get to keep what ever is raised above that. Our Above and Beyond Goal is to capitalize a new production and order fulfillment facility to meet the needs of our marketing potential in the age of the internet for our layered line of ceramic designs that have retained their marketability since 1952 when Andersen Studio Ceramics was born- and to be able to hire an organization and transform the business that the Andersen family has built into the Great American Ceramic Designer Craftsmen Network. This is a preview of our project, which will be launching any day now. Sign up a